Webtopia Rummy

Webtopia Rummy


Random Number Generator Certificate

This is to certify that iTech Labs has evaluated the Random Number Generator (RNG) by WEBTOPIA SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED and found that the RNG complies with the relevant standards.*



The RNG uses a well-known algorithm to generate random numbers. The numbers generated by this RNG have passed Marsaglia's "diehard" tests for statistical randomness.

iTech Labs has evaluated shuffling for Single Deck (with 2 jokers) and Two Decks (with 2 jokers) for card games.

The shuffling tests were conducted on large enough samples to give the calculations sufficient statistical power.

iTech Labs has found that the card sequences are unpredictable, non-repeatable and uniformly distributed.

The certified code for the RNG has been fingerprinted.

Click here to view the Original iTech Labs Certificate.

Authorised by:

Alvin Rizaldi

Chief Executive Officer

iTech Labs

Date: 03 June 2024


Divya Bhargava

Project Manager

iTech Labs

Date: 03 June 2024

* The RNG was tested according to the UK Remote Gambling and Software Technical Standards February 2021 and the Testing Strategy for Compliance with Remote Gambling and Software Technical Standards February 2021.


This RNG certification is limited only to the software module for generating random numbers. The certification includes scaling/shuffling of numbers used by the games, but it does not include evaluation of game rules or payouts. Games require separate certification to ensure game fairness. It is the responsibility of the operators and relevant regulatory bodies to ensure that the certified code is used in production and that adequate monitoring and audits are conducted.


While it is not possible to test all possible scenarios in a laboratory environment, iTech Labs has conducted a level of testing appropriate for a component test of this type.